Sencha Ext JS may be a JavaScript Framework for building interactive HTML5-based web applications. it's an upscale UI application development framework, is sweet for charting data, and supports a good array of browsers. Sencha has been around since the year 2007, with 2 million developers world-wide uses it and over 10 thousand commercial customers, including 60% of the Fortune 100 companies like Google, Adobe, and Salesforce. As jQuery and other libraries came call at 2006, Sencha was quite revolutionary at the time of its first release, but it's the now year 2014 and Sencha’s flagship Ext JS has now evolved into version 5 (and recently updated to five .1 as of December).

Some important updates of Ext JS 5 are:

Support of Applications Across Multiple Devices In particular, the Ext JS 5 works well with tablets with charts that support touch-based gestures and new responsive themes which will suits mobile and desktop screen sizes. Increased Developer Productivity Ext JS 5 also supports 2-way data binding to save lots of developers time, and therefore the data-binding isn't limited to the HTML template because it are often done across the whole framework and every one widgets. additionally , Ext JS 5 also will support URL Routing so it's possible to try to to deep-linking

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